Friday, 12 October 2018

As you get older, you begin to reflect on things; be it work, business, being a spouse and a parent; you come to realize that where you are going is far more important than where you are coming from. Everything you have accomplished so far was once something you aspired towards. There’s sacrifice and, oh my, a lot of sweat. You place your sights on what is ahead, and you do all you can to align your abilities to the future you desire. You take the time to go the extra mile at work but most of all you strive for self improvement.
Surely, you may not think there is a need to go through the whole process of educating yourself again after how many years of going through the schooling system, but let’s play devil’s advocate a little bit. 

Apart from courses taken for certification purposes, you know, the ICANs, and other association examinations, is there any need to take any other course? Hmm? We certainly don’t know everything under the sun, and what harm could come from not just doing well at work and in life but doing so with contentment?  We can always learn of a better to interact with others in professional and recreational settings, how to engage and bring out the best in other people and even, in the most basic sense, how to build your self-confidence. Don’t knock the necessity of self-improvement. Don’t feel weary that you are too old or too much time has passed.  “Confidence is to know what you don’t know, identifying those who do and being willing to get the knowledge from them”.  We are all on path towards a grand future, and while we may not be able to control the things around us,  

There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self.” Aldous Huxley. 

We should never be so content, that we don’t even try to be better.